WTF Button

Click to get WTF Button Item ID: #14886
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There comes a time when things just need a whopping, loud, WTF! This Button offers just that. Simply press the large, red, Button and receive 1 of 10 rage-conducive "WTF!" phrases. Of course the actual F* word in each phrase is cleverly censored so there's no actual cursing. However, the point is loud and clear. When a meeting goes bad, slap down and hear a rap-beat style "WTF", a wild western "WTF", a piano ballad "WTF", a clown style "WTF", a B-movie style "WTF" and several others. This Button may express your WTF moment best without you losing your cool. However, you may actually lose your cool when you're laughing uncontrollably at the horrified faces in the room.

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