Father's Day Gift Packages

Click to get Fathers Day Gift Packages Item ID: #15207
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Good Fathers are hard to come by, I mean they're as rare as good kids. So take advantage of Father's Day to give back to Dad.

If you're a pretty difficult child and/or adult get Dad the "Bad Kid Package". He'll receive a Football Cocktail Shaker than you can actually play with, a Moose Head Bottle Opener, A Jumbo Remote Control, a Scrabble "DAD" Photo Frame, a Fake Cigar (of course), a "Communicate Effectively with your Father" Breath Spray, a prank, Shocking Razor, and a Tiny Hammock that can be setup pretty much anywhere! Dad will forgive you for your disrespect and the years you've personally taken off his life.

Now if you're a well behaved kid or adult get Dad the "Good Kid Package". This Package contains awesome items as well but doesn't have as much to make up for. He'll get a Moose Bottle Opener, a Scrabble "Dad" Frame, a Tiny Hammock that can be setup anywhere, a "Communicate Effectively with your Father" Breath Spray, and a prank, Shocking Razor. Either Package is gonna make Dad laugh himself deeper into his recliner and this is his Day so make sure he's happy... then ask him to borrow $2,000.00.

Get This
Nail Through Finger Prank
Football Drinking Helmet: Gold
Drinking Buddies: Jesus
Bunny Ears, Bow, Tail - White
3D Wallet- Macaroachy & Cheese
Wood Pop Gun
Smoke Bombs
Pop! Vinyl Figure: Game Thrones Sansa Stark
Inflatable Oxygen Tank
Animated Dancing Puppy