Celtic Top Trick Box - Large

Click to get Celtic Top Trick Box  Large Item ID: #27836
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This trick box has a simple carved design on the lid and around what appears to be a key hole. At first attempt this box does not seem to open, but if you know the trick... It is made of seasoned Linden wood, from the Tatra Mountain region of Poland. The skilled artisans of the region employ centuries old traditions and meticulous handcraftmanship to create a finished product of uncompromising quality.  The use of feathered corner joints and raised interior lining ensure its enduring value as a lasting keepsake.  These Polish boxes are entirely decorated by hand, using various combinations of carving, brass and copper inlays, burning and staining techniques. Once bestowed upon royal families throughout Europe as an elegant and exclusive gift, these boxes were used to hold timless treasures.  Then as now, each box is entirely handcrafted, is a unique masterpiece, and is exclusive in its detail and individual character.  The Tatra Mountain lore adds a mystique to each box, that combines with the premier craftsmanship to bring years of pleasure to the owner.

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